It's a sad time for humanity. The world over, a wave of tyranny, willfulness and the might of power has taken over the lives of common people. The ordinary person never mattered anyway, but now their insignificance has reached new lows. Whether its in administration, business, health, education, science and technology, medicine, arms control, environment management, or simply quality of life, if you have the moolah, you have everything. And this is more pronounced in developing countries like India. We are so far away from real progress that it seems like it will take a lifetime to reach a decent quality of life. Yes, despite our space missions and IT supremacy, we are far away from real development. Quality of Life? Get a decent education they said. Well, prepare to shell out your life's savings first. Any school worth its name will demand exorbitant fees and security deposits that are guaranteed to give you a mini heart attack. Then comes the actual struggle of your child - k...