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Who Migrates for Fun?

Why isn't the world concerned with human immigration that is under covers? I mean, yes it is, in the sense of banning illegal entry and deporting refugees at the drop of a hat, but what about the human aspect? Imagine this - You grow up in a land you call your own, Your family, your school, college, workplace, social circle, everything is here. Then things start deteriorating - with unemployment, vanishing opportunities, targeting you for your religion/caste/gender, deliberate isolation and victimization. One day, things get so bad, you have no other option left, than leaving that same place you loved so much - for good. But visas are not for grabs, and passports are delayed/held up for various causes. You pool in your life's savings, sell your property, maybe your kidney, and manage to get a berth in any of the illegal transport routes to the promised land of your dreams. The land where you can breathe free.  Get this - no one leaves the land they were born and grew up in, jus...
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All Work and No Life - Off Runs the Wife!

The recent ramblings of some elderly gentlemen (one a company founder, another a CEO) on how much we many hours we should be working, are symptomatic of all that is kaput with corporate India. The reason we have so few cases of innovators and path-breakers. The reason why Nadella and Pichai shine overseas. The reason start-ups and entrepreneurial attempts fail faster than you can say 1,2,3. These guys have got all the mathematics wrong!  Machismo and Hot Air I find these announcements to be glaring examples of the inherent tendencies of machismo, bullying, slavery, high-handedness privileged males in our country are used to.  At home, when raja beta works, rest of the family keeps quiet. When he needs food, wifey supplies it. Shhh, raja beta is sleeping, don't make noise. Don't irritate him, get him a cup of hot tea/coffee, quick, he's tired from working all day. You get the drift? The whole ecosystem in the workplace is designed to reward the raja beta slaving away rather ...

Glowing reviews for Aftertaste-of a Half-lived Life

A writer can't ask for more than these glowing reviews. Blessed and honoured. #bookreviews #thankfulwriter #readerfeedback #shortstories

Quality of Life - What is That?

It's a sad time for humanity. The world over, a wave of tyranny, willfulness and the might of power has taken over the lives of common people. The ordinary person never mattered anyway, but now their insignificance has reached new lows. Whether its in administration, business, health, education, science and technology, medicine, arms control, environment management, or simply quality of life, if you have the moolah, you have everything. And this is more pronounced in developing countries like India. We are so far away from real progress that it seems like it will take a lifetime to reach a decent quality of life. Yes, despite our space missions and IT supremacy, we are far away from real development. Quality of Life? Get a decent education they said. Well, prepare to shell out your life's savings first. Any school worth its name will demand exorbitant fees and security deposits that are guaranteed to give you a mini heart attack. Then comes the actual struggle of your child - k...

Snippet from Aftertaste- of a Half-lived Life

From the story, The Curious Mr. Rakshit.... "Of late, observing the young couple in the opposite flat had become his favourite pastime.  He would wait till they woke up around nine in the morning. As an early riser who woke up with the sun, he couldn’t fathom how they slept in so late. “Taking advantage of work-from-home”, he thought slyly. “Lazy no-gooders!” He had discovered other facets of their lives too, peeping from his window every now and then. The wife would argue with her husband every now and then. Obviously, he couldn’t hear what they quarrelled about, but he saw her pointing fingers at him and walking around agitated. The husband didn’t react much usually. Sometimes though, Mr. Rakshit observed him talk back defiantly to his wife. It satisfied him that the man refused to be cowed down. What was a man without a spine, huh? He would hide behind the curtain and see this drama being played out. His own life was plain vanilla compared to all this melodrama. His wife and he...

All We Imagine as Light- Lyricism on Celluloid

When an Indian film makes it the prestigious Cannes film festival, the world sits up and takes notice! And the lovely ladies swinging on the stage is a recent memory that brings a sense of pride. I had the good fortune to catch this film on screen recently. A review of such work is unnecessary, but still am bursting to say a few words. Right from the scintillating background score, to the events that unfold like pages fluttering in an open book, to the effortless performances, it's a masterpiece all right! The first half romances Mumbai- in the rains, at night, in the bazaars, in dingy rooms, in the local trains. Image source: Wikipedia  The second half shows what light truly is, brilliant sunshine, crashing waves and salty air in a small coastal village in Maharashtra. You can feel the taste of salt, the breeze in your hair and the touch of sand under your feet, the cinematography is so real. Payal Kapadia masters the art of holding back, of showing beauty in the mundane. The hosp...

Aftertaste- of a Half-lived Life

Don't judge the book by its cover, they say. But in today's appearance-crazy times, a book is not only judged but also bought on the basis of its cover! So, an author has to spend considerable time threshing out ideas and images, and finally agreeing on something that truly reflects the spirit of her writing. And here's the result! Much heartburn, sulks and shouting matches later, I have finalized this. Hope my prospective readers like it too! Fingers crossed for the book release next week!  #bookrelease #coverreveal #shortstorycollection  #newbookalert