A child playing with balloons suddenly burst one. Instead of
crying or complaining, she simply tied up the balloon into a knot and made a
ring from it. She used her creativity to change an unpleasant situation to her
Why is it that children can still be creative and
innovative, while as adults we only look for set solutions to problems instead
of thinking out of the box? Perhaps it is the years of conditioning and
conformation to rules that smother our creativity.
Creativity is the mother of all new ideas and
innovation. It is that bright spark that
leads to development of revolutionary techniques and path-breaking inventions.
Breakthroughs in science and technology owe their origins to the creative
genius of some people. Just think what would have happened had not Microsoft
founder Bill Gates create the popular Windows software? Or what we would have
done without the invention of the smart phone or Bluetooth devices? Obviously
these devices have originated from the creative genius of some people.
However, creativity is not the
sole ownership of a chosen few people. Many of us have creative ideas that get
buried under the push and pull of routine work. Our creative urges slowly die
out from not being used. As a famous quote goes, “…We don't grow into creativity, we grow out of
it. Or rather, we get educated out of it.”
The reasons for the death of creativity are many:
In general:

At the workplace:

Organizations are in general
focused on running as systems on certain fixed procedures and methods, and do not encourage individual creativity or
radical thinking. The focus is on earning profits and delivering service or
products, so activities like innovating and creativity are usually put on the
back burner. Only the Research and Development Department does some original
In the present times, however, faced
with looming market pressures and economic uncertainties, a number of
organizations are forced to adopt change in their operating processes and
structures. Innovation and change have
become the mantra for survival in the tough economy. Even organizations
hitherto resistant to change, like public sector organizations in India (banks,
insurance companies, engineering companies) have had to yield to market demands,
and introduce newness and originality in their processes.
The need of the hour, therefore,
is to encourage creativity and innovation and generate new ideas that will
change the future. “Thinking out of the
box” has become a necessity these days, a strategy for survival in these
tough times. Creativity needs to be nurtured and encouraged and not stifled under convention and rules.
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