Dear Average Indian Men,
Another warning issued to women from one of your tribe:
"Don't wear ripped jeans or society will be destroyed!"
Wow, such high thinking levels. It truly meets the lofty standards set by MCPs throughout ages.
See the similarities with the 19th century Victorians who forced women to wear uncomfortable corsets and keep their voice low? Or even better, with the Sheikhs who kept their women in purdah and flogged them for trespasses? Closer home, maybe similar to the village patriarchs who insist that women keep ghunghat drawn over their heads and faces. And issue death warrants when a girl marries someone of her own choice.
Everyone worth his dhoti or lungi or trousers seems to have an opinion on what women should or rather should not wear!
I am amazed.
When did we tell you what to wear, guys?
For the record, we detest these things:
- You roaming around in torn/dirty vests or with your hairy thighs flashing in tight shorts
- Unshaved and unwashed faces reeking of smoke or alcohol
- The "I am God's gift to mankind" entitled attitude that most of your tribe has
- That smug smile on your face when you watch TV after returning from work, while we are running around fixing dinner/washing dirty laundry/minding the kids' homework
- The double face that you have when you are with us alone, and when you are "with the boys"
- That entitled look that you have when you "propose" your "love" and expect an yes always. (OR you rush to buy acid)
- Can you juggle home and work with the ease of an acrobat, day in and day out?
- Can you say no to a promotion just because your spouse/family needs your time and support?
- Do you go through intense pain and discomfort every month with a smile and a nonchalant attitude?
- Do you work day in and day out running a household for which you receive no credit or thanks?
- Do you have to think twice about being out in the streets alone at night?
- Do you have to double guess people's motives when you wear something/have a drink/smoke?
- Are you the shoulder on which everyone pegs their frustrations and vents their anger?
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