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Showing posts from November, 2022

Winter Worsening Dry And Frizzy Hair? 6 Surefire Ways to Tackle

  You are getting ready for that glam winter party and want to look your best. You groom yourself, get a facial done, a hair wash and maybe some hair styling procedure. But the moment you return home from the parlour, your hair refuses to stay in shape. It becomes unmanageable and frizzy, and sticks out in in an unruly manner. Your hair style goes for a toss, and now you have to deal with the additional headache of frizzy, dry hair. So, what went wrong? Sounds familiar? The bane of most people in winter, and for some unfortunate ones throughout the year - Frizzy Hair can literally cause you "bad hair days" followed by sleepless nights!  And now that the dry cold season is here, the problem actually gets worse. The good news is that you can  tame this "hair-raising" problem!  Let's find out what causes frizzy hair, and what aggravates it. Let's also look into managing frizzy hair in winter, with some simple home remedies and lifestyle modifications that...

Do You Suffer From Imposter Syndrome Too?

Let's take a very common situation. You have earned a promotion through sheer dint of hard work. With a raise of 20% and a chic new cabin, you are feeling on top of the world. The world is your oyster, so to say. People are coming to congratulate you, and you are the toast of parties. At last, you have made it, it seems!  Suddenly, a feeling of inadequacy creeps in. You begin to feel like a fraud, a flash in the pan, a wannabe, who's soon going to be uncovered for what you actually are. Your success feels unreasonable, it seems you have just got lucky! Soon people will find out what a big loser you are, and you will be back to square one! It has happened with you, right? It is termed as Imposter Syndrome . Happens to the best of us, and the most successful achievers.  Mainly due to: Low self esteem or   self opinion caused by either Severe criticism by persons close to you,  Or Bullying in childhood Feelings of Insecurity caused by job loss or failure in relationship...