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Synopsis of Fragrance of Dried Flowers – A Collection of Short Stories by Barnali Roy

Writing isn't easy or immediately rewarding, but still I love to write. Maybe because I have so many things to share, so many anecdotes to tell, so many lives to vicariously live.

Would you like to know about my second book, and why I wrote it?

A glance at Fragrance of Dried Flowers

My second book, Fragrance of Dried Flowers, as the name suggests, deals with the paradox of dried flowers having their own fragrance, a rare kind of beauty.

It is the imperfect people who create happiness, build relationships with love, and seek solace within themselves. If we, as parents, can contribute our bit by being less critical, less judgmental, and more forgiving, the world would truly be a happier place.

Parents, particularly mothers, have a strong role in shaping the lives of their children. A mother’s unconditional love is critical in the life of a child. She can bolster her child’s self-esteem with her kind words and constant support, or break it with her rejection.

In the story, “Can I Wash off the Shame”, a young girl flounders in her academic performance at the board exams. She is ashamed of her failure to meet her parents’ expectations, but doesn’t expect them to reject her so harshly. Almost crushed by the cruel remarks of her mother, she withdraws into her own safe space, seeking solace in a meaningless ritual.

The story, “Fragrance of Dried Flowers”, has a dissatisfied mother who constantly nags and criticizes her daughter for not being pretty and homely. However, when a crisis strikes, this same ordinary daughter comes to her rescue. She helps her mother heal – both in body and mind. Her mother introspects and finds her own stance too harsh and judgmental.

Needles” is the story of a boy who has the urge to dress up in feminine clothes and practice Mohiniyattam moves. He faces his strict mother’s wrath, and after a particularly bitter altercation, leaves home in a huff. Will that mother be able to forgive herself if some mishap occurred to her son? She realizes that societal approval doesn’t supersede parental love. As a mother, her concern for her child and his well-being must overpower bias or judgement.

When a mother faces a crisis in her life, her daughter takes over her role. She mothers her parent, nurtures her and brings back her zest in life. This interchangeable role between mother and daughter is a recurring theme in my stories, and also comes in “Broken Mirrors”.

A subdued, powerless mother can’t fight for her daughter’s yearning, but she supports her silently, cheering from the background. This theme runs in “And She Smiled Again.” When her daughter can follow her heart’s desire, the mother smiles tears of joy.

A mother heals her broken children back to wholeness, but she is also prone to societal conditioning, to error of judgement. Her mental barriers, age-old notions, biases can often come in the way of supporting her child wholeheartedly. Yet, her smile, her touch can heal like no one can. So, a mother needs to heal and love herself, before she can extend that kind of love to her offspring.

The book has nine stories that are relatable, and full of nuggets of insight and wry humour. The writing style is simple and appeals to readers across ages.

Why I Wrote it?

As a mother, I am both terrified as well as elated at the world that my daughter will inherit. A world that is so violent, so ugly, so selfish, yet so complex and beautiful at the same time. It is a world that has changed beyond recognition within my lifetime, and will change even further.

How will our coming generation cope? Will they be crushed by the pressure of conforming to norms, traditions, and age-old expectations? Or will they evolve into more accepting, inclusive, non-judgmental individuals, each with their unique voice?

We live in an imperfect world, peopled with flawed, fragile, imperfect people struggling to come to terms with their reality and identity.

Yet, when nobody is prefect, why do we keep huge expectations from other people, particularly those whom we love the most – like our progeny? As parents, is our relationship with our child empowering them to face the world with confidence? Are we doing our role as their cheerleaders? That is the idea behind my penning these stories.

The mother-daughter relationship is so pure, so beautiful, so empowering, yet so fraught with inherent critical judgement. The burden of generational trauma - inherited by a mother, can almost ruin her daughter.

When the over-critical mother nags her daughter, is she repeating a pattern her mother did? Her daughter resents her taunts and bickering, again typical of young people rejecting conventional ideas. Both remain unhappy and resentful of each other. It takes a life-altering event to bring them closer.

Around us, we see so many parents denouncing their children, calling them harsh names, yet, have they tried to put themselves in their child’s shoes? A parent often forgets that she herself was once in that fluid stage of life. Her positive support to her child and genuine empathy can end the cycle of generational trauma - once and for all, and pave the way for a brighter, happier tomorrow.

Gender identity can be fluid and ever-evolving, but conventional parents demand conformity. That is the reason we see so much struggle behind children coming out as gay, lesbian or transsexual. Times have come when the mother needs to stand up to societal judgement and support her child, whatever the gender they wish to adopt.

Mothers generally follow a pattern, a script their own mother had followed, a role written for them by society. It is time to come out of someone else’s idea of a perfect life. We are all trying the best we can, each mother needs to remind herself. Let’s just prioritize being happy, kind and humane.

Readers who seek meaning and depth in life can resonate with my stories. These stories speak of real people, of easy-to-identify situations that most of us have faced at least once in our life. The lived-in reality of people’s existence is the subject of my stories.

These candid stories strike a chord of empathy and resonate in the reader’s mind. My first book, Pebbles in the Sand, was well appreciated by readers across all ages.

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