Writing isn't easy or immediately rewarding, but still I love to write. Maybe because I have so many things to share, so many anecdotes to tell, so many lives to vicariously live. Would you like to know about my second book, and why I wrote it? A glance at Fragrance of Dried Flowers My second book, Fragrance of Dried Flowers , as the name suggests, deals with the paradox of dried flowers having their own fragrance, a rare kind of beauty. It is the imperfect people who create happiness, build relationships with love, and seek solace within themselves. If we, as parents, can contribute our bit by being less critical, less judgmental, and more forgiving, the world would truly be a happier place. Parents, particularly mothers, have a strong role in shaping the lives of their children. A mother’s unconditional love is critical in the life of a child. She can bolster her child’s self-esteem with her kind words and constant support, or break it with her rejection. In the story, “ Ca...